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Libya COVID-19 Surveillance Update: July 2022 (Weeks 29) (18 - 24 July 2022)



  • Week 29 reported an increase in case incidence and an increase in Lab weekly testing rate as compared with Week 28. At the national level, transmission classification for Libya remained at a very high incidence of community transmission (CT4) in week 29, with circulation of Variants of Concern (VOC). The limited lab weekly testing, with a 35.4% weekly test positivity rate and 15 cases/100,000 population/week and testing rate at the national level was 41 persons tested/100,000 population/per week. (See Table III)

  • Nineteen COVID-19 labs (out of 43) reported 2,872 (2,661 PCR and 211 Ag-RDT) tests done in epi week 29. Thus, out of the 2,519,962 tests in Libya since the beginning of the response, 503,981 (20.0%) were confirmed positive for SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

  • The overall number of new cases reported in Week 29 shows a 51% increase (1,018 cases) as compared to Week 28, with West reporting a 53% increase in new cases. The South reported a decrease of 41%, and the East reported an increase of 114%.

  • In Week 29, no deaths were reported across Libya.

  • Compared to Week 28, there was a 55% increase in overall national testing: by regions, West (2,781 tests; 57% increase), East (31 tests; 138% increase) and South (60 tests; 15% decrease). Thus, 96.8% of national testing was performed in the West as compared to both East (1.1%) and South (2.1%) Regions. (-see Table. 1). West represents 64%, East represents 28%, and South represents 8% Libyan population.

  • For Week 29, the national weekly positivity rate compared with week 28 (36.3%) decreased to 35.4%; West, East and South had 35.7%, 48.4% and 16.7% weekly positivity rates. WHO recommends that positivity rates be kept below 5% in all districts in a country.