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Libya – Conflict (ECHO) (ECHO Daily Flash of 24 February 2016)

  • In spite of some progress on the political front, the humanitarian situation in Libya keeps deteriorating as a consequence of fighting, leading to new displacements. However, the first release of the Displacement Tracking Matrix by IOM suggests significant return movements (130 000 IDPs returned to their places of origin between December 2015 and January 2016). The loss of ground of Islamic movements in Benghazi, if confirmed, could also lead to further return.

  • The situation in the health sector is worsening, with shortages of medicines and vaccines expected by March / April. Around 40% of health centres are closed, and those open lack personnel and essential medicines. Equally, the food security situation is of concern as food prices hike, access to subsidized bread is more difficult, and cash in banks more scarce.

  • Most NGOs and UN agencies continue to operate in various degrees of remote management from Tunis. Access to beneficiaries is generally granted through local organizations, and the local personnel of international humanitarian actors. However, access to Sirte and Kufra remains limited. To date, the provision of humanitarian assistance to Kufra has not been possible.

  • In such context, the Humanitarian Response Plan for Libya remains underfunded to cover essential needs which could lead to a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation on the ground, in particular in the health sector. Maintaining access to health care remains a top priority. The provision of emergency health kits and vaccines should be guaranteed in the short-term to prevent outbreaks of communicable diseases.