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Libya: Access Snapshot (January to March 2024)



In the first quarter of 2024, humanitarian and develop-ment partners in Libya reported a significant 76% increase in access constraints compared to the same period in 2022, indicating a worsening trend in operation-al challenges.

The majority of these constraints, accounting for 40%, were bureaucratic and administrative, severely restrict-ing movement within the country, especially in the East and West. These regions experienced high severity in restrictions, substantially disrupting program implemen-tation. Few partners were forced to close their offices and halt operations due to excessive bureaucratic demands, unclear roles of national counterparts, and frequent denials or delays in movement clearances.
Additionally, the restriction of access to humanitarian assistance for people in need emerged as the second most significant challenge, representing 27% of all reported issues. This was particularly pronounced in the East and West, and was compounded by a directive from Southern authorities to suspend aid to migrants and refugees, a move with potentially grave humanitarian consequences amid rising arrivals from Sudan.

Interference in the execution of humanitarian activities accounted for 20% of the constraints, affecting every-thing from project implementation to joint missions in affected areas, even after obtaining the necessary clear-ances.

Protection and mine action were the most two impacted areas of concern accounting together for more than half of the reported constraints while more than a third of the constraints had an impact on multiple sectors simultane-ously.

In order to ensure that assistance reaches those in need, authorities on the ground must relax access restrictions, streamline the movement of humanitarian and develop-ment staff, and resources across Libya.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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