05 November 2015 - The Joint Misrata / Tawergha Dialogue Committee met in Tunis on 20-31 October and in Geneva on 1-5 November 2015 with the facilitation of UNSMIL’s Human Rights, Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Division.
The Joint Committee, with the assistance of international experts, discussed the issue of reparations and agreed on a set of basic principles and elements of a reparations programme for the victims. A working group consisting of members of the Joint Committee will meet at the end of November to advance on reparations. The Joint Committee discussed the whole issue of transitional justice.
The Joint Committee discussed with OHCHR, UNHCHR and IOM international standards and programmes relating to the voluntary returns of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in safety and dignity to their place of origin.
The discussion also addressed how to ensure the best interest of the child in formulating the return plan. In this regard, UNICEF expressed its readiness to support an assessment of the schools in Tawergha along with the establishment of an Educational Management Information System and psychosocial support to children.
The meeting addressed the issue of clearing mines and unexploded remnants of war with the assistance of UNMAS and LibMAC. The Joint Committee agreed that a preliminary assessment of the conditions in Tawergha and neghbouring areas of Misrata will be undertaken in the coming weeks in coordination with the Misrata committee. There was also agreement on the training of a team to carry out awareness campaigns on dealing with unexploded ordnance.
The Joint Committee also discussed proposals for ensuring security for the returning IDPs and agreed to discuss operational aspects with the assistance of UNSMIL in the coming weeks.
The meeting welcomed the confidence building measures taken so far by the Misrata Committee. The Joint Committee agreed to continue to pursue confidence building measures including follow up on the issue of detainees and handing over of civil records and student documents to the Tawerghans.
The Joint Committee intends to meet again in December with a view of reaching agreement on an overall roadmap on reparations, justice and reconstruction in the context of the return of the Tawerghan IPDs.
The Joint Committee called for the urgent establishment of a Government of National Accord.
This meeting of the Joint Committee was organized with the support of the governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and of the Swiss Confederation.
UNSMIL welcomes the progress made by the Joint Committee at its most recent meetings and believes it is an example of constructive dialogue in the interests of Libya. UNSMIL reiterated its commitment to continuing to support the Joint Committee’s work.