Tripoli, 29 April 2020 – The Ministry of Education of Libya and UNICEF have announced the use of technology in the scale up of distance learning by school children amid the disruptive and challenging circumstances brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
As part of the measures implemented by the Ministry of Education in Libya to control the pandemic, all schools were closed on 15 March 2020, leaving over 1.3 million learners without access to education or, generally for the first time in their lives, studying remotely.
This new programme developed by education experts at UNICEF and the Ministry of Education focuses on supporting the education platforms established for distance learning, the provision of technical supplies, such as computers and tablets, internet connectivity, and capacity building of teachers on a range of topics such as psychosocial support for children, interactive learning and education in emergency to ensure that all children are given a fair and inclusive opportunity to continue their education. “An entire generation of students could suffer damage to their learning and potential as a result of the pandemic and the on-going war. The Ministry of Education and UNICEF are working together closely to deliver learning to the houses of students”, said Dr. Muhammad Zaid, a Member of the Presidential Council and Acting Minister of Education.
UNICEF will support the Ministry of the Education in filming model teachers delivering key core subjects such as mathematics, Arabic language, and science for grades 1 to 9, as well as the secondary grades. Furthermore, UNICEF, together with the Ministry, will spearhead a communication campaign with parents and caregivers to ensure that learning goes on as students and teachers continue to stay home following the guidance of physical distancing and curfews. “UNICEF commends the efforts of the Ministry of Education in supporting learning despite the school’s closures and therefore minimize the negative impact of the necessary lockdown”, said Abdel – Rahman Ghandour, UNICEF Special Representative to Libya. “However, where distancelearning mechanisms are carried out, not all children and youth will be reached; those without internet access, television sets or adult supervision are disadvantaged. UNICEF stands ready to continue supporting the Ministry of Education in continuing to find solutions to reach every boy and girl in Libya with education” he added.
UNICEFs support will reach at least 500,000 boys and girls in 2020, with focus on disadvantaged and conflict affected children.
Dr. Masauda Elaswad, Head of the Distance Learning Committee of the Ministry of Education said she “welcomed UNICEFs fast response capacity and their international expertise in supporting learning during the COVID-19 pandemic”.
This programme is possible thanks to the generous support of the Government of Denmark, the Global Partnership for Education and UNICEFs internal resources.
UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.
For more information, contact Alla Almsri, Communication Officer, UNICEF Libya +218 91 00 12 129, For more information about UNICEF and its work for children visit
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