Detainee welfare
- Conducted 157 visits to 14 detention facilities and 7 police stations.
- Visited 88 Ivorian internees at Wainsue Internment Facility and reunited 14 juvenile internees with their families.
- Provided hygiene requisites and medicines for 1,800 detainees in 14 detention facilities and constructed an infirmary, an initial holding cell (for screening) and a patient shelter in Monrovia Central Prison.
- Organized a supplementary feeding programme for 131 malnourished prisoners.
- Repaired 5 hand-pump wells, benefiting 1,100 people.
- Supplied 210 mosquito nets to Kakata Prison and replaced the roof on the main detention building.
- Trained 50 health workers and prison officers on health care and nutrition in prisons.
Restoring family links
- Reunited 115 children and 5 vulnerable adults with their families, mostly in Côte d’Ivoire.
- Arranged more than 1,100 phone calls between Ivorian refugees and their families.
- Collected and distributed around 1,200 Red Cross messages exchanged between Ivorian refugees and their families in Côte d’Ivoire and other countries.
- Provided 4 clinics in Lofa County with medicine, materials and training.
- Built a staff house at each clinic and donated four motorbikes.
Supporting the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS)
The ICRC helped the LNRCS to:
- distribute essential household items to over 18,000 Ivorian refugees in Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties;
- distribute farming tools to some 1,000 households in 48 communities, in Grand Gedeh, Lofa, River Gee and Sinoe Counties;
- provided 22 tonnes of seed to 750 vulnerable farmers hosting refugees in Grand Gedeh County;
- provide 7,500 kg of fertilizer and 100 litres of chemicals to help around 3,000 farmers who had returned to their homes in Lofa County to produce palm oil;
- construct 20 community latrines and repair 40 hand pumps and wells, benefiting 12,000 people in Lofa, Montserrado, Grand Gedeh and River Gee Counties;
- conduct first-aid training for 17 police officers, covering life-saving techniques and response to emergencies.
Water and habitat
- Facilitated access to safe water for 29,000 people by constructing or repairing 129 hand pumps and training 64 hand-pump mechanics and 126 community hygiene promoters in 18 communities hosting Ivorian refugees in Nimba, Bong, Montserrado, Grand Gedeh, River Gee and Maryland Counties.
- Completed construction of a water kiosk with a capacity of 10,000 litres benefiting 1,500 people, and facilitated access to sanitation for 1,900 people in vulnerable communities by renovating 15 community latrines in the capital Monrovia.
Promoting international humanitarian law and humanitarian principles
- Worked with the Armed Forces of Liberia to train 595 officers and 6 trainers.
- Briefed 458 senior officers of the United Nations Mission in Liberia.
- Conducted sensitization and dissemination sessions on basic humanitarian principles for 337 members of the Liberia National Police, 74 joint security officers and 517 representatives of district authorities.