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WFP Liberia Country Brief, October 2019



The resourcing level for the CSP is critical with 93% funding deficit.

US$ 3 m six months (November 2019-April 2020) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

Capacity Strengthening: As part of its capacity strengthening initiatives, WFP, in conjunction with local government officials provided support to vulnerable farmers through food and nutrition assistance, building community resilience and enhancing their capacities to manage their food needs. WFP helped to strengthen food systems and empower people and communities to secure their food security and nutrition needs through livelihood assets and market creation activities. The interventions do enable vulnerable communities to develop key community farm assets increasing resilient agriculture practices for staple food production along the value chain. As part of this initiative, WFP in close collaboration with the ministries of agriculture and internal affairs started setting up agro-equipment pools in Bomi, Bong and Montserrado Counties. The equipment earmarked for the pools include power tillers, rice threshers, rice grain dryers, motorized water pumps and generators.

Food assistance for assets creation (FFA):
WFP supported smallholder farmers to create sustainable livelihood assets in three counties (Bomi, Bong and Montserrado). In continuation of tools distribution that commenced in September in Montserrado, WFP distributed assorted agricultural tools (667 diggers, 599 axes, 335 shovels and 221 cutlasses among others) and vegetable seeds including cabbage, egg plant and orka to 1,250 participants (650 men, 600 women. The participants are farmers engaged in lowland rice and vegetable production in Bomi County