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WFP Liberia Country Brief, June 2024


In Number

72,757 people assisted in May/June 2024

US$ 649,204 cash-based transfers made

US$ 13.3M six months (July – December 2024) net funding requirements

Operational Updates

  • WFP maintained collaboration with 14 Farmers' Cooperatives (involving 15,000 smallholder farmers) and retailers, supplying 245 metric tons of locally sourced food to 288 schools. This achievement was facilitated through the innovative SCOPE platform, which managed beneficiary and transfer data, ensuring daily nutritious meals reached 70,264 schoolchildren across four counties in Liberia. Looking ahead, the country office plans to scale up and provide meals to 200,000 students in the upcoming school year starting in September 2024.
  • WFP distributed 7,200 climate smart agricultural tools to 60 farmer groups, predominantly women, across Lofa, Bong, and Nimba counties. This initiative is a component of the UN Joint Human Security Programme, which aims to build the resilience of youth, women, and vulnerable groups through a social protection floor in Liberia, utilizing ICT. The project is executed by WFP, UNDP, FAO, and ILO, with financial support from the United Nations Human Security Trust Fund
  • WFP Health Supply Chain delivered 35 metric tons of health commodities, valued at US$ 1.2 million, to 99 health facilities, ensuring last-mile delivery even to remote and hard-to-reach communities in Liberia. This initiative is a segment of WFP's ongoing support to the Government of Liberia in managing the National Central Medical Stores and distributing medical supplies to health facilities, supported financially by the Global Fund and USAID.
  • Two Japan-funded projects for WFP, to be implemented in 2024, were launched with the Ambassadors of Japan to Liberia and Ghana in attendance. The projects include US$ 506,679 for extending food and nutrition security support to vulnerable communities affected by the economic impact of the Ukraine crisis and floods in Liberia, as well as US$ 523,802 for emergency assistance to communities in Western Liberia affected by the caterpillar infestation.
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and WFP signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to implement US$ 1.5 million allocated to WFP's Home-Grown School Feeding Programme. This funding is provided by the Government of Liberia through the Smallholder Agriculture Development for Food and Nutrition Security project, which is funded by the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP).