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WFP Liberia Country Brief, July 2021


In Numbers

215 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 3,647 cash-based transfers made

USD 3.6 m six months (August 2021 – January 2022) net funding requirements

91,389 people* assisted in July 2021

Operational Updates

• In July, WFP and partners continued the provision of staple food items to the most vulnerable households affected by COVID-19 preventive measures in Liberia under the Government-led COVID-19 Household Food Support Programme (COHFSP), with distributions assisting 69,290 beneficiaries (13,858 households) in three counties. Food assistance was provided to vulnerable households in communities in Bong and Lofa counties that had previously only received part of their COHFSP entitlement. In Grand Gedeh county,
WFP and partners provided full rations to a welfare institution.

• As part of WFP’s emergency food assistance in support of 91,305 severely food insecure beneficiaries (18,261 households) in four of Liberia’s most food insecure counties (Grand Gedeh, Maryland, River Gee and Sinoe), WFP and partners continued the distribution of two months’ food assistance supporting 1,100 beneficiaries in Maryland county in July 2021.

• On 22 July 2021, WFP, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria signed a USD 1.4 million partnership agreement on the provision of health supply chain services in Liberia. On 30 July 2021,
WFP launched the distribution of medical items from the Ministry of Health’s Central Medical Store to county depots and hospitals across the country, with the first two trucks with health supplies being dispatched to the southeast of Liberia.

• In collaboration with the Ministry of Education, WFP provided on-site school feeding assistance to 13,044 vulnerable schoolchildren in Maryland county (6,321 girls and 6,723 boys). WFP also assisted 1,369 schoolchildren and their families (6,845 total beneficiaries) in Maryland county with family takehome rations to support households’ food needs amidst a deteriorating food security situation in Liberia.