No new confirmed cases of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) reported since 20 March 2015.
The Government of Liberia has identified 4,539 (2,359 girls and 2,180 boys as affected by EVD. The Government has defined the number of children ‘affected’ as quarantined, orphaned, unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), in treatment and discharged. Orphans are children who have lost one or both parents/primary caregivers due to EVD. More specifically, to-date a total number of children registered by the Ministry social workers as having lost one or both parents/primary caregivers due to EVD is 3,290 (873 having lost both parents/caregivers and 2,417 one parent/caregiver).
With support from UNICEF and key partners, the President of Liberia launched WASH-in-Schools (WinS) protocols with the aim to harmonize standards for school-based WASH infrastructure improvements and hygiene promotion.
UNICEF partnered with the Inter-Religious Council of Liberia (IRCL) to implement community-based child protection programs within religious communities in six counties in Liberia (Bong, Bomi, Lofa, Margibi, Montserrado and Nimba). Christian and Muslim leaders and women groups under the IRCL will be involved in community dialogues to discuss and address protection issues affecting children in their communities.
UNICEF continues to advocate for a strengthened community-based health system in Liberia’s recovery plan.
UNICEF continues to support the preparations for the upcoming measles campaign. An integrated field-monitoring plan has been finalized amongst major support agencies (WHO, UNICEF and CDC) under WHO coordination. UNICEF is deploying more than 40 officers to support the counties through preparedness and intra-campaign activities with special attention in the urban Monrovia District of Montserrado County.
UNICEF is a key member on the team that is responsible for decommissioning ETUs. An action plan and a budget for the physical decommissioning of ETUs is being developed by UNICEF and WHO.
Only 28 per cent of children aged between 6 – 59 months were reached with vitamin A supplements during the first quarter of 2015. In view of this, extensive efforts will be undertaken to improve routine vitamin A supplementation both in health facilities and through community outreach.