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UNICEF Liberia Ebola Outbreak Weekly Situation Report #20, 2 May 2014


Key Points

  • Based on a retrospective analysis of the data, the National Task Force (NTF) on Health Emergencies has removed 22 suspected Ebola cases from the official statistics. As a result, the total number of suspected, probable and confirmed Ebola cases now stands at 13 (six confirmed, two probable and five suspected).

  • The total number of Ebola-related deaths remains steady at 11, though this figure may change upon further analysis.

  • Foya, Lofa County, remains the epicentre of the Ebola epidemic, although suspected, probable and confirmed Ebola cases have been reported in Lofa (7), Nimba (2), Margibi (2), Bong (1) and Montserrado (1) Counties.

  • Six of the eight confirmed and probable Ebola cases reported to date were female, and all eight were over the age of 18. The contacts generated by these cases have included children.

  • The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW) and its partners continue to emphasize the need to remain heavily engaged on Ebola response activities at the Liberia-Guinea border in Lofa County, with particular focus on Foya District. This is based on the fact that new Ebola cases continue to be received by health centers in Guéckédou, Guinea, which borders Lofa.

  • Earlier this week, UNICEF provided the additional requested materials to Foya Hospital in Lofa County and JFK Medical Center in Monrovia, Montserrado County. The materials were used to complete the isolation units at both facilities, and included a generator for Foya.

  • The two UNICEF field coordinators and the 10-member interpersonal communication (IPC) team has continued to raise awareness of Ebola in Lofa County via visits to border towns, mosques, churches, marketplaces and schools, as well as meetings with key local and traditional leaders. A major focus of their work has been identifying key misconceptions about the disease, which UNICEF and the Social Mobilization Committee of the NTF are now using to develop targeted behaviour change messages.

  • UNICEF’s estimated funding requirement for Ebola-related Communications for Development (C4D),
    Health and WASH interventions stands at approximately US$500,000 for the period from 21 March to 21 June. The current funding gap is US$187,000.