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Peacebuilding Commission’s Liberia Configuration Adopts Draft Outcome Arising from Second Review of Commitment Implementation


Peacebuilding Commission
Liberia configuration
1st Meeting (AM)

Minister for Internal Affairs Joins Proceedings via Video-link from Monrovia

The Liberia configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission today adopted the draft outcome of its second review of the implementation of mutual commitments on peacebuilding in that country.

Titled “Draft outcome of the second review of the implementation of the statement of mutual commitments on peacebuilding in Liberia” (document PBC/7/LBR/L.1), the document is based on a progress report provided by the Government of Liberia, input from members of the Liberia configuration, mission reports of the Peacebuilding Commission and relevant studies.

In light of progress made and challenges arising, the outcome document proposed adjustments to the original peacebuilding priorities — strengthening the rule of law, supporting security-sector reform and promoting national reconciliation — detailing the revised commitments of each party in recognition that the primary responsibility for peace consolidation and development rested with the Government and people of Liberia.

Among the Government’s commitments were strengthening political will to facilitate the work of the Law Reform Commission and implement national security reform. It should also ensure adequate budgetary allocations for the justice and security sectors, and take immediate steps to reduce the unacceptable level of pretrial detention cases.

The document went on to state that justice sector staff with the appropriate training and an accurate understanding of the law should be deployed in Liberia’s counties, keeping pace with deployment of the Liberian National Police. It calls for the creation of space for public dialogue on the rule of law and related issues, and of a case-management tracking system. Effective oversight mechanisms guaranteeing judicial independence and public accountability should also be established.

Among other priorities outlined in the document were maintaining the political will to implement a strategic road map on national healing, peacebuilding and reconciliation; increasing dialogue on national reconciliation; and addressing the role of youth in peacebuilding.

For its part, according to the document, the Peacebuilding Commission committed to mobilize resources and regional actors for those ends, and to advise the Government and people of Liberia on lessons learned, while monitoring implementation of the Liberia peacebuilding programme in order to ensure that the agreed priorities were effectively addressed. The Commission would continue to work in close partnership with the Government, and in consultation with the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and other partners, to assess how it could best provide useful support.

According to the document, the Peacebuilding Commission and the Government of Liberia agreed to undertake a third review of the statement of mutual commitments within 12 months of the Government’s submission of its next progress report in December 2013. That periodic review would be based on the deliverable targets set forth in the present document.

In other business today, the configuration adopted its provisional agenda (document PBC/7/LBR/2).

Participating in today’s meeting by video-link from Monrovia was Blamoh Nelson, Liberia’s Minister for Internal Affairs.

The Liberia configuration will meet again on a date to be announced.

For information media • not an official record