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Liberia Situation Report on Ebola - 11 November 2015



  • As of 11 November 2015, Liberia has reached day 69 of the 90 days of active surveillance and has been free of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) since 3 September 2015.

  • The independent monitoring survey from the integrated national polio, vitamin A and deworming campaign conducted 23-26 October 2015 indicated 91.5 per cent coverage nationally for Oral Polio Vaccines (OPV), while administrative coverage reports show 99 per cent coverage for vitamin A and deworming. This is the third such immunization campaign in 2015, aimed at boosting population immunity against the possibility of outbreaks from imported Wild Polio viruses, a lingering threat following the impact of Ebola on Liberia’s immunization programme in 2014 - 2015.
    Preliminary reports also indicate that social mobilization activities were conducted extensively and contributed to the high immunization coverage that was achieved.

  • The distribution of Teaching and Learning Materials (TLM) is ongoing and has so far covered 1,233 schools reaching 277,919 students (23 per cent) and 21,207 teachers.

  • The Government of Liberia has identified 8,530 children (4,129 boys and 4,401 girls) as affected by Ebola. The Government has defined the number of children ‘affected’ as quarantined, orphaned, unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), in treatment and discharged. Orphans are children who have lost one or both parents/primary caregivers due to Ebola.

  • To date, 15,758 children (7,116 boys and 8,642 girls) were provided with care and support including psychosocial support (PSS).

  • UNICEF is supporting the government to improve access to WASH facilities, including waste management, in health centres as part of Ebola infection prevention and control measures. The construction and rehabilitation of WASH facilities in five additional health centres has commenced in Grand Bassa, Lofa and River Cess counties. At present, there are seven health centres in five counties where construction and rehabilitation of WASH facilities is ongoing.