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Liberia: Punishing war perpetrators will not foster unity - Senator Jah

Written by Julius Kanubah

Margibi County Senator Clarice Jah has called for a national reconciliation conference to heal the wounds created by the Liberian civil war.

Senator Jah told Star Radio a reconciliation conference is the best way to put the past behind and resolve bitter differences.

She said the recommendation by the TRC to prosecute and punish some key perpetrators of the war is not healthy.

According to her harsh measures against perpetrators of the war will not help to foster unity.

Senator Jah's comment comes amidst her ongoing consultations with Margibi citizens on the TRC report.

She said most Margibi citizens have so far called for forgiveness on the issue of the TRC report.

Meanwhile, Senator Jah has clarified that she is not among Legislators who have not declared their assets to the Anti-Corruption Commission.

She said ever since her assets were declared and the LACC Chairperson Cllr. Frances Johnson Morris is a living witness.