As of 25 January, the Ministry of Health reported that there are only 5 confirmed Ebola cases in the country. 3 from Montserrado, 1 from Bong and Margibi Counties.
5,181 schools are due to reopen on 2 February. However the dispatch of critical hand-washing and other sanitation material already available in-country is beyond schedule.
As of 22 January, 5 percent of EVD cases were confirmed, with an average of 1 confirmed case per day.
The Government of Liberia has given US$6 million to support the restoration of essential health services in public, Faithbased and private institutions in the 5 highly Ebola affected counties (Montserrado, Margibi, Bong, Lofa and Nimba).
1,400 Total EVD Survivors as of 14 January
5,181 Schools to be equipped with WASH supplies
17 Percent of EVD related fatalities are children
31 Total persons in treatment as of 22 January
6,600 Total Teachers Trained in EVD Awareness
2 ETUs to be decommissioned by end of January