1. Return Process
The return figures remain the same as
of the preceding week i.e. a total of 187,382 IDPs has received their return
assistance representing a total of 36,423 families.
2. Montserrado Camps
During the reporting period, UNHCR through its implementing partner NRC began the payment of transportation allowance backlog to the remaining returnees' caseload in Sargbeh IDP camp. The payment of transportation allowance backlog continued in Perry Waysation. NRC disbursed transportation allowance to 31 household representing 98 families. On behalf of UNHCR, GTZ distributed NFIs to vulnerable IDPs in Ricks, Wilson and Seigbeh IDPs camps.
3. Task Force on Camp Closure and Consolidation
The Task Force on Camp Closure and Consolidation has submitted its initial findings to the IDPs Consultative Forum this week for deliberation. This will be followed by a more comprehensive report in the coming weeks as soon as the data gathered from the field is properly analyzed.
4. Bong Camps
Distribution of return assistance is completed in Maimu III. De-registration and issuance of resettlement cards has been completed as of 30th June, 2005 in Maimu II with 1,680 household representing 9,430 families assisted to return to Voinjama and other districts in Lofa County. WFP through its implementing partner Lutheran World Service has completed food distribution in Maimu II as of the 9 July 2005. Through NRC, UNHCR has distributed transportation allowance to 1,039 household representing 5,779 families. With its GTZ partnership, UNHCR has distributed NFIs to 1,493 household representing 8,420 families. De-registration and issuance of resettlement cards is ongoing in Maimu I. To date, WFP has de-registered 408 household representing 2,168 families. UNHCR through its implementing partner NRC has served transportation allowance to 135 household representing 676 families while WFP through Lutheran World Service served food to 41 household representing 200 families.
5. Trucking of Vulnerable IDPs
During the reporting period registration and trucking of vulnerable IDPs continued in the Montserado and Bong camps by the International Organization for Migration ( IOM). As of the 7 July 2005, (IOM) had registered a total of 15,500 vulnerable IDPs and transported 6,200 to them back to their areas of return.
6. Protection/ SGBV
In close cooperation with LRRRC, UN agencies, NGOs and the IDP Unit continue to address protection concerns for the benefit of IDPs in Liberia. This week sexual assault of two children in a camp in Monrovia was reported. A team from ARC and the IDP Unit went to the camp and consulted with the parents and the two girls. They were informed that the two victims had allegedly been sexually assaulted by the same person. Although, the survivor had received medical treatment they were seriously traumatized. IRC has been contacted to follow-up the case with psychosocial counseling. The families of the survivors were also encouraged and supported to file complaints with the police. Their statement and medical reports were also filed with the police.
Further, this week a team from ARC and the IDP Unit brought a child (age 2 ½) to MSF to receive a medical diagnosis, it was concluded that she was suffering from Hydrocephalus disease. The MSF informed that this condition can only be treated by surgery, but that the little girl who is living in an IDP camp would probably die from infections after an operation. The little girl was not given a good chance of survival without an operation and the ARC social worker informed the IDP Unit that many children suffering from this condition often die in Liberia. The child is also malnourished and the mother of the child does not have any means to buy additional food or vitamins. Potential support for this girl is being sought and encouraged. Those with the means are requested to contact the IDP Unit/Humanitarian Coordination Section of UNMIL in Liberia.
In recent weeks, there was an armed robbery, child abduction and a man found dead in the camp. The camp is located close to the Red-Light-District and about 15, 500 IDPs previously lived in the camp. Together with LRRRC, the IDP Unit has coordinated a security assessment of the camp this week. The participants are the Liberian National Police supported by CIVPOL, UNMIL and NGOs. The goal is to improve the security for the IDPs living in the camp.
7. Hut demolition
During the period under review, no demolition figure was reported for Maimu I due to low space of the operation, while 304 huts were demolished in Maimu II and 378 huts were demolished in Maimu III. Thus, so far cumulatively, about 26,000 huts have been demolished, out of the initial estimated 64, 000 huts in camps and spontaneous settlements.
IDP Unit 07/15/05
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.