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IDP return in Liberia - Update 14

1 Status of Return

From 8th November, 2004 a total of 123,302 IDPs had received return assistances, which, represents 24,297 families in IDPs camps in the counties of Montserrado, Bong and Nimba. For April, a total of 27,096 IDPs returned which is part of the 123,302 caseload of IDPs assisted to return thus far.

2 Field Movements

Figure and Categories
Type of Assistance Provided
43,426 facilitated by IOM from 8th November 2004 through 31 March 2005
This caseload of IDPs received transport assistance from IOM to the transit/distribution center closer to their area of return and have also received secondary transport allowance along with their 2 months initial WFP food ration and non- food items.
45,279 spontaneously returned to their county/district of return These IDPs received their return assistance secondary transport allowance, food and non- food items through their head of household.
34,597 accelerated movement phase of returning beginning the 11 March 2005 through 29th of April 2005 This category of the IDPs received their primary and secondary transport assistance along with the 2 months food ration from WFP and the NFIs from UN HCR through their Implementing partners in their respective camps
1,100 Vulnerable IDPs has been trucked by IOM of 2,400 registered since the beginning of this part of the operation. These Vulnerable IDPs were transported to the nearest drop off point in their area of return and provided with the secondary transportation allowance, food and non food items. The figure indicated herein is cumulative of the accelerated movement.
123,302 Total number of IDPs assisted to resettle to their respective communities to date since the operation began These IDPs received all the return assistance.

3 Distribution of assistance in the Bong and Montserrado Camps

The Concerned Christian Community (CCC) continues to address the backlog of transportation allowance for Jahthondo camp this week in Montserrado County. The distribution of return packages in Perry camp has started this week. The targeted population is 4,490 IDPs. In Bong, the backlog caseload of NFIs is being distributed in E.J.Yancy camp with a caseload of about 5,000 IDPs. Additionally, distribution of return assistance started this week in Tumutu with a targeted caseload of 5,737 IDPs.

The planned distribution for next week is the camp of Maimu I (Zorzor) with a targeted caseload of about 5,000 IDPs. On the other hand, Unification Town has a caseload of 6,926.

4 Trucking of Vulnerable IDPs

Registration of Vulnerable IDPs by International Organization for Migration (IOM) continues in the Bong camps. As of 5 May 2005, IOM has trucked 1,100 IDPs out of 2,400 registered IDPs.

5 Mass Information Campaign

This week information of the return assistance is printed in about 30 news papers, both local and national. This is targeted also to reach the IDPs that have spontaneously returned. A sensitization meeting was held in Unification Town on 6 May 2005 in preparation for return, to be followed by the distribution of resettlement cards on 9 May 2005. A sensitization meeting was also held in Perry Town on May 4, 2005 in preparation for return and resettlement cards distribution will follow on 7 May, 2005. An information meeting is planned for Mt. Barclay IDP camp on Wednesday 11 May 2005 and will be followed by the issuance of resettlement Cards, distribution of food, non food items and transport allowance.

6 Protections and Security in the Camp

In continuation of the trucking of vulnerable IDPs that return to their districts, the Humanitarian Community starts monitoring the return of Vulnerable IDPS at drop off points. IOM will communicate the arrival of their convoys to the Child Protection Agencies (CPA) in the field, supported by UNICEF. The CPAs work in close cooperation with the County Representative from the Ministry of Gender and Development who also has the mandate to address issues of vulnerable women/mother. In order to address serious protection concern, such as split family (including abandon or unaccompanied children), a mass information campaign is being discussed.

7 New Development

The IDP Consultative Forum has now recommended that all distribution be conducted simultaneously i.e. both food and non food items while the transport allowance should be distributed last.

IDP Unit 07/05/05


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