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Liberia + 1 more

ACT Alliance Rapid Response Fund (RRF) - Assistance to Ivorian Refugees in Liberia (26 January 2021)



In November 2020, following presidential elections in Ivory Coast, the Northern and southern parts of Liberia received thousands of Ivorians refugees fleeing clashes between opposition and progovernment supporters in Ivory Coast. To date approximately 20,651 Ivorians have found refuge in Liberia according to reports from UNHCR and Liberia Refugees Repatriation and Resettlement Commission.

The majority (64%) of the refugees settling in Nimba County are females and unaccompanied children. In addition, older persons and pregnant women have newly arrived in Liberia, many of them coming with few belongings, little or no food/money. Ivorian leaders from both asylum-seekers and host communities in Nimba County have requested support for local integration, and the host communities have offered land to new arrivals for settlement and cultivation.