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WFP Lesotho Country Brief, September 2019


In Numbers

USD 11 million six months (October 2019 – March 2020) net funding requirements, representing 58% of total six months requirements

428,250 people assisted

Operational Updates

• It is projected that during the October 2019 to March 2020 period, the food security situation is likely to deteriorate across all districts and is expected to be in IPC Phase 3 (Crisis). An estimated 430,000 people, or 30 percent of the rural population, are expected to be experiencing severe acute food insecurity.

• October usually marks the start of the lean season. However, this year’s lean season is expected to start earlier than usual due to low crop production. Staple prices are also expected to be higher than usual. The planting season is expected to start late in the 2019/20 agricultural year, and this may again compromise crop production and income from agricultural labour opportunities.

• Given the deteriorating situation WFP is due to commence a second phase emergency response in October using cash-based transfers through mobile money and a voucher system. Given funding shortfalls, WFP will only be able to reach 37,000 food insecure people in three of the worst affected districts.

WFP will use a three-pronged approach to respond:

• Targeting drought-affected households that host orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) enrolled in preprimary and primary schools not receiving any assistance will be supported. Through communitybased targeting, WFP will support other vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and disabled, who cannot be engaged in labour activities.

• Food Assistance for Asset (FFA) activities will be expanded horizontally in chronically food insecure areas to ensure that households are able to meet their essential needs and build their resilience against future shocks through creation of productive assets. Horizontal expansion is preferred as a greater number of affected people can be assisted.

• Vulnerable pregnant and lactating mothers, and HIV and AIDS and TB patients will be targeted through health centres, community ART groups, networks of people living with HIV and AIDS.