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Lesotho + 8 more

Southern Africa Regional Food Security Update, April 2011



  • Following the joint rapid assessment led by DMA, the World Bank is assisting the country to undertake Post Disaster Needs Assessment to further understand the impact of heavy rains on different sectors. Poor crop production is anticipated this year.

  • The UN Emergency and Response Task Force chaired by WFP and co-chaired by UNDP met with NGOs to respond to the impact of heavy rains.


  • Damage caused by the cyclone Bingiza on crop and food security is less important than that caused by the MTS Hubert last year.
  • At the end of lean season, price of rice starts to fall


  • Crop conditions in central and southern Malawi are reported to be good despite the February dry spell which had reportedly affected mostly the late-planted crops in extreme-southern Malawi


  • Overall national crop production is expected to be normal given the good harvest prospects of the northern region.


  • The flooding in the North caused fatalities and displacement of thousands of families

South Africa

  • The expected production of maize is 11,044 million tons, which is 13.8% less than the 12,815 million tons in the previous season.


  • Maize price goes up
  • Fuel prices (both petrol and diesel) increased by SZL 0.80 per litre


  • Prices of breakfast maize meal have started reducing in most parts of the country.

  • Increased consumption of seasonal foods (pumpkins, sweet potatoes) in most parts of the country


  • Cereal availability continued to fall on the open market with maize grain being unavailable in 37% of WFP monitored rural sites.

  • Average rural maize grain prices went up 11.3% in March to US$0.39/kg. Urban prices were stable for February and March at US$0.33/kg.

  • The food security situation in most southern and eastern districts is expected to deteriorate as most humanitarian seasonal targeted assistance programs ended in March and also due to high crop failure.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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