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Lesotho Food Insecurity Situation Report # 2 - August 24, 2012


This report is produced by the Resident Coordinator’s Office in collaboration with humanitarian partners.
It covers the period from 1 July 2012 to 20 July 2012. The next report will be issued by the end of July 2012.


  • On the 9th of August, 2012, the Prime Minister of Lesotho Tom Motsoahae Thabane declared a food crisis situation and called on development partners to assist.

  • Preliminary Lesotho Vulnerability Assessment Committee (LVAC) results issued on 17 July 2012 indicated 725,000 people are food insecure.

  • The UN Country team have been approved to receive a CERF Rapid Response grant of $US6.2 million to start immediate life-saving activities including: agricultural inputs for the most vulnerable farmers; food parcels or cash transfers to the most vulnerable families; management of moderate, acute and severe malnutrition, strengthening of disease surveillance and prevention and management of gender-based violence.

  • The Government of Lesotho (GoL) is currently preparing a response plan that will soon be announced. Preliminary figures from GoL indicate around $150,000, 000 would be needed.