• One month into the ceasefire, nearly 86 percent of Internally Displaced People (IDP) have returned to their areas of origin. As the needs remain high, it is vital to ensure timely assistance for these vulnerable populations. WFP requires US$ 170 million for the next six months to continue critical assistance to the affected population. Ceasefire violations continue to be reported, contributing to an already fragile situation.
• Alongside its emergency response supporting 359,000 conflict-affected people since the ceasefire on 27 November, WFP reached approximately 1 million vulnerable people through its regular food and cash assistance in December. WFP also supported the Government’s Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) cash transfers through which 770,400 Lebanese received cash assistance.
• WFP continued to provide critical food assistance to newly displaced individuals from Syria. In December WFP reached 54,000 Syrians, including 1,000 stranded at border crossings and 53,000 staying in 210 shelters across the Bekaa and Hermel regions.