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Lebanon + 1 more

WFP Lebanon Country Brief, January 2022


In numbers

1,559,399 people assisted in January 2022

US$16.9 m cash-based transfers made

US$91 m six-month net funding requirements (February 2022 – July 2022)

Operational Updates

• In January, WFP assisted a total of 1,559,399 beneficiaries through cash-based transfer modalities amounting to USD 16.9 million and through distribution of family food parcels. The people assisted were 528,675 vulnerable Lebanese, 1,024,519 Syrian refugees, and 6,205 refugees of other nationalities.

• Through the emergency response to the ongoing economic crisis, WFP reached 71,600 vulnerable Lebanese households (around 289,000 individuals) with food parcels in January.

• WFP assisted 35,400 Lebanese families (around 214,000 individuals) through the National Poverty Targeting Programme (NPTP) in January, where beneficiaries were able to withdraw their assistance in USD at ATMs.

• In January, WFP assisted more than 20,000 Syrian and Lebanese students registered in 53 schools that are part of the WFP School Meals programme.

• 23,472 Syrians and Lebanese benefitted from WFP’s Livelihoods activities consisting of Food Assistance for Assets (FFA) and Food Assistance for Training (FFT) in January. This included 4,491 participants who engaged in individual skills building, value chain development, and construction of agriculture roads.

• Through the WFP Food System Challenge – a new project to support food systems – 10 small to medium Enterprises and cooperatives in the food sector were selected to receive support packages of business development services, technical assistance, and cash grants in USD. This support will enable enterprises to find solutions to improve food security and increase resilience in Lebanon by improving local production, transformation, and consumption.
More information on the Food System Challenge can be found here.

• In January, through the Logistics Sector established as part of the Lebanon Emergency Response Plan,
WFP distributed 874,000 litres of fuel to 243 water and health facilities to ensure critical services are sustained for the most vulnerable communities across Lebanon.