The United States announces its intent to contribute $3.5 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) 2007 Flash Appeal for Palestinian refugees in North Lebanon. This contribution will provide urgently needed humanitarian assistance to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon displaced by the actions of the terrorist group, Fatah al-Islam, in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp.
Our contribution will enable UNRWA and other international organizations to provide emergency food parcels to up to 5,200 displaced refugee families (27,000 persons), as well as 4,500 hosting families in Beddawi refugee camps and other areas of Lebanon. It will support the provision of direct shelter assistance, including water and sanitation services, and the distribution of shelter supplies and hygiene kits. Through this appeal, UNRWA will also provide health services to those affected by violence and support to displaced children.
On June 3, 2007 UNRWA issued this three-month $12.66 million appeal to meet the immediate needs of displaced Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. UNRWA estimates that over 27,000 registered refugees were living in Nahr al-Bared refugee camp prior to the recent violence caused by Fatah al-Islam. UNRWA estimates that 3,000 to 5,000 refugees remain in Nahr al-Bared, while others relocated throughout Lebanon.
The United States is UNRWA's largest bilateral donor. In February 2007, the United States made an initial contribution of $50 million to UNRWA's 2007 General Fund to support education, health, and social programs in UNRWA's five fields of operation (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip); additional contributions will soon be made, including a $1.65 million earmark to UNRWA's Lebanon Camp Rehabilitation Initiative. In 2006, the United States contributed $84.15 million to UNRWA's General Fund and another $52.85 million to its emergency appeals in Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza.