February developments
Identification and referral of children-at-risk:
- 371 children identified by case management agencies across the operation were provided with basic assistance, including psycho-social counseling.
- 560 children and adolescents benefited from psychosocial, sports and non-formal education activities in the Mount Lebanon area.
- 71 street-children and working children in Beirut benefited from case management and psycho-social activities.
- 30 managers from 14 organizations working with refugee children, including MoSA and UNRWA, attended a three-days training workshop organized by IRC on information management systems and effective monitoring and evaluation.
- 16 refugee youth in Quobayat (Akkar) were identified and trained by DRC on basic communication skills, personal development and peace building.
- 35 refugee outreach volunteers in Tripoli were trained on UNHCR’s protection mandate, code of conduct, child protection services, and referral pathways.
- 36 staff from 8 organizations implementing child protection related activities in Akkar, Tripoli and Tyr participated in the 4 th peer-to-peer group training workshop which focused on practical skills for addressing physical abuse within homes.