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Lebanon + 2 more

UN for Lebanon Annual Report 2017



This report summarises progress made in the first year of implementation of the United Nations Strategic Framework for Lebanon 2017– 2020, which was endorsed and signed by the Government of Lebanon on the 4th of October 2016. This strategic framework is the UN’s response – through a “Whole of Lebanon” approach – to the multi-dimensional challenges Lebanon is facing. It outlines the UN’s common vision and the expected contribution of the members of the UN family in support of Lebanon’s security, political, human rights and developmental priorities. The strategic framework is the result of a consultative process, involving Government counter-parts, civil society and international partners in identifying key areas of UN support, taking into consideration the comparative advantage of the UN and building on best practices and lessons learned from previous engagement.

The UNSF is built around three pillars:

  1. Peace and security, with a focus on the mitigation of external threats to Lebanon, strengthening domestic security and law and order, preventing violent extremism and defusing local inter-communal tensions.

  2. Domestic stability, including strengthened governance, with a focus on promoting accountability and inclusive participation, strengthened core state capacities, and the empowerment of youth and women.

  3. Mitigation of the socio-economic impact of the Syrian conflict and addressing preexisting structural constraints, recognizing the need for greater integration of efforts across the humanitarian-development nexus.

Whilst the primary goal of the Strategic Framework is to contribute to maintain the stability of Lebanon at a time of increased exposure to the regional crisis, it also lays down the ground to facilitate progress towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

The report assesses results achieved in the first year of implementation. It also includes significant development trends, an update on the progress of joint coordination and the results of efforts to increasingly communicate effectively as one. Finally, the report outlines key challenges encountered, lessons learned, and priorities moving forward and includes the financial overview for 2017.