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Thirteenth semi-annual report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004) (S/2011/258)


I. Background

  1. The present report is my thirteenth semi-annual report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1559 (2004). It reviews and assesses progress made in the implementation of the resolution since my previous report, dated 18 October 2010 (S/2010/538). It underlines the lack of progress on key provisions of the resolution, and highlights concerns that continue to impede efforts to strengthen Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence, which stand at the heart of the resolution.

  2. Political tension in Lebanon increased markedly during the reporting period fuelled, inter alia, by speculation and public pronouncements concerning the proceedings of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. The differences between political camps brought about the suspension of Cabinet meetings for five weeks, from 10 November until 15 December. On that day, the Cabinet meeting ended in a stalemate, leading to institutional paralysis. Against that backdrop, Saudi Arabia and the Syrian Arab Republic jointly deployed efforts to address the growing crisis.