1. Cluster Bombs and mines clearance continued during this month resulting in around 3,000 additional cluster bomblets destroyed by all the teams working in South Lebanon. Mines have also been cleared in the area North of Litani river (Area 6) and more than 18,000 m2 of mine contaminated land is released back to the community.
2. MACC SL Operational teams discovered three additional Cluster strike locations leading to a total of 872 locations with an estimated contaminated area of more than 35 million sqm.
UNIFIL, Demining Co-ordination Cell, OGL
3. The following is the current establishment of UNIFIL Troops Contributing Countries (TCC) with Mine Action capabilities:
a. CHINBATT - 4 Demining/BAC Teams (Accredited),
b. BELUBATT - 3 BAC/EOD Teams (Accredited),
c. ITALBATT - 3 EOD, 2 IED Teams & 1 Explosive Detection Dog / (EDD) Team (Not Yet Accredited),
d. GHANBATT - 1 EOD Team (Not Yet Accredited),
e. SPANBATT - 2 EOD/IED Teams (Not Yet Accredited),
f. FRENCHBATT - 2 BAC, 1 EOD Team (Accredited),
g. FIN/IRISHBATT - 3 EOD Teams, 1 Flail, 1 EDD Team (Not Yet Accredited),
h. TURKBATT - 1 EOD Team (Not Yet Accredited).
i. Those TCC not yet accredited as listed above are in various stages of proceeding to accreditation. The intention is that all TCC with a Mine Action capability will be subjected to accreditation from MACC SL and become formally recognised as in conformance with the International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) and the Lebanese national requirements.