Capacity building and training of protection actors in the Syria response is a high priority, to ensure the highest standard of services are provided to vulnerable refugees. In Turkey, workshops on international protection were conducted for around 75 NGO staff, trauma support training was provided to 16 providers of psychosocial services. Also in Turkey, ongoing capacity development of youth workers continued with a fourth training taking place during March.
In Egypt, awareness sessions on SGBV, psychological support, and the risks of onward movement by sea were held, targeting 130 refugees during the month. Meanwhile in Lebanon, almost 10,700 community members were reached with legal awareness sessions, mainly to improve knowledge on obtaining birth and marriage certificates. In addition, some 3,150 individual legal counselling sessions were provided to Syrian refugees and Palestine refugees from Syria during the month.
In Turkey, transportation assistance was provided to more than 2,500 Syrian refugees in Adiyaman camp to access healthcare services and markets outside the camp, bringing the total to more than 10,200 refugees assisted with transport during 2014. In Egypt, two additional Child Friendly Spaces were opened in Alexandria, bringing the number of CFSs in the country to seven. In Lebanon, the number of safe spaces opened this year for women and girls and men and boys to access stands at 81.
Outreach to ensure that persons of concern receive information they need and are able to engage in dialogue with service providers continues in all countries across the region. At the regional level a workshop in March discussed the challenges of communicating with persons of concern , shared good practices, and built linkages for further collaboration.