MARCH HIGHLIGHTS: In Jordan, a new survey has found increasingly difficult conditions among the close to half a million Syrian refugees living in urban and peri‐urban areas. RRP partners continue to monitor for vulnerabilities among refugees, and have recently inaugurated a new call centre for refugees in Jordan to address their concerns through a toll‐free Info Line which helps vulnerable families to seek help and accurate information about the services available to them.
In Lebanon, 53 Community Support Projects were completed during the month, benefitting 136 communities with an invesment of over USD 2 million. 136 more change agents in communities were trained in addressing misperceptions that can fuel tensions between refugee and host communities.
In Iraq, a business and life skills training programme targeting 500 refugees between the ages of 18 and 25 began during March, while another programme reached almost 150 refugees in Darashakran Camp with small business start up support and vocational training. More than 40 beneficiaries were also placed for two months in various businesses such as gas stations, shopping malls, and restaurants to gain experience and skills. In Lebanon, a total of more than 7,000 people have now recieved vocational or life skills support this year, while almost 2,000 have benefitted from increased income generation or employment opportunities.