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Lebanon + 5 more

Regional: RRP6 monthly update ‐ March 2014 - Health



Ensuring medical workforces in the refugee hosting countries are able to cope with the added demand from refugee populations is vital. In Jordan, more than 1,000 health workers and nurses have now been trained in 2014, including on SGBV, child protection, management of childhood illness, and sexual reproductive health issues. In Turkey, more than 30 health staff have been trained on mental health and psychosiocial assistance this year, and guidelines for primary health care services were identified for translation into Arabic to facilitate the inclusion of Syrian medical professionals into health services provision to refugees in the country. The number of health workers trained in Lebanon this year is now more than 80.

Measures to continue support for health facilities also continued. In Turkey, the construction of prefabricated health facilities commenced in Ceylanpinar and Viransehir camps, while in Egypt a satellite clinic in El Obour city in greater Cairo has recently been established. In Jordan's Zaatari camp, a new facility was opened for the convalence of patients recovering from severe fractures and those who need pain management, dressings and physiotherapy. In Iraq, the Arbat Primary Health Care Centre was completed in Suleimaniya Governorate, while mental health and psychosocial support services are now available in all camps in Erbil and Dohuk Governorates. In Lebanon, 21 facilities have now been assisted with equipment.

The number of refugees able to acess secondary and tertiary healthcare continues to grow. Since the start of the year, more than 12,000 received inpatient care in Lebanon, there were almost 60,000 hospital referrals in Turkey, almost 5,000 visits to supported secondary or tertiary facilities in Iraq, more than 20,000 secondary or tertiary referrals in Egypt, and almost 50,000 in Jordan, including clinical secondary mental health consultations. Supplementary immunization of children against polio continued during March in Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and Turkey.