The Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP) brings together the plans developed under the leadership of national authorities - namely, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Iraq, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Lebanese Republic, and the Republic of Turkey – to ensure protection, humanitarian assistance and strengthen resilience.
The 3RP integrates and is aligned with existing and emerging national plans, including the Jordan Response Plan 2015 to the Syria Crisis1, the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan2, the Iraq Strategic Response Plan (SRP)3, and country responses in Turkey and Egypt4. Needs, targets, approaches, objectives and resources are identified, and responses implemented, at country level. The 3RP acknowledges the centrality of national ownership in securing a more effective and sustainable response to the crisis. All activities are designed in support of the priorities of governments with the response strategy adapted to the respective country context.
This Regional Strategic overview is a summary of the programme priorities and resource requirements of nearly 200 partners responding to the Syrian crisis in support of government priorities. The overview benefits from the analysis of almost 200 national and international partners and reflects an integrated and innovative multi-sector response in support of the resilience and refugee response in countries in the region. The 3RP has the over-arching goals of ensuring protection and humanitarian assistance for refugees fleeing the conflict in Syria and other vulnerable communities, while building the resilience of individuals, families, communities and institutions in the most impacted countries.
The 3RP embraces the notion that the needs and priorities of vulnerable populations, refugees and members of impacted communities alike, must be central to the response Building upon the success of the current and previous Regional Response Plans (RRP), the 3RP will continue to ensure protection and humanitarian assistance for refugees and other vulnerable communities. This means working together so that refugees have access to asylum and international protection, that they can meet their basic needs in safety and dignity, that those with specific needs and vulnerabilities receive specialized services and support.
Furthermore, the 3RP seeks to address the adverse socio-economic effects that the Syria crisis has on communities in countries neighbouring Syria.
Thus, the 3RP adopts an innovative, integrated approach that combines protection and humanitarian relief efforts with more focus on supporting national plans and development interventions to build resilience among individuals, communities and institutions across sectors.
Complementing key protection activities, and central to resilience and stabilization efforts, is the expansion of livelihoods and employment opportunities for vulnerable men and women, especially the youth, in accordance with national laws and regulations. The strengthening of national and local institutions and systems’ capacities to cope with increased demands and continue providing quality services is a priority. Scaling-up investments in the resilience of individuals, communities and institutions will contribute to reduce dependency on external support, enhancing the costeffectiveness and sustainability of the response to the crisis.
The 3RP has been developed alongside the Strategic Response Plan for Syria, and reflects the principles set out in the Comprehensive Regional Strategic Framework developed in May 2014. Harmonized planning figures and reinforced and revised coordination structures across the region are designed to ensure complementarity of support to refugees, IDPs and other vulnerable members of impacted communities across the region.
This document provides an overview of the 3RP’s rationale and scope. It contains sections on achievements in 2014 as well as objectives for 2015-2016, providing a synopsis of the priorities emerging in the country chapters. Sector Overviews describe each activity and how investments advance an integrated response to the protracted crisis. The final sections describe coordination arrangements as well as monitoring, evaluation and reporting, along with the 3RP’s financial tables and analysis. The two-year plan consists of a detailed budget requirement for 2015, along with an indicative 2016 budget to assist with planning and funding for longer-term activities.