Surveys Results
1- Respondents Information
The respondents sample comprised 63% males and 37% females, with mostly the head of the household, that is the husband or the wife, reporting on the survey questions ( Saida %68, Tyr %92), and the remaining percentage represented other available family members at the time of reporting. The average age of respondents in Saida was 37 years old with a range varying from 17 to 80 years old, while the average age of respondents in Tyr was 33 years old with a range varying from 17 to 73 years old. The majority of respondents in Saida and Tyr were married (%86), and the remaining percentage represented widowed refugees (%7), single refugees (%3), divorced refugees (% 2), or separated/abandoned refugees (%2).
The total number of family members residing currently in Saida varied in a range between 2 members and 25 members. In Tyr, the number of family members ranged between 1 member and 11 members. These families were balanced in terms of gender, with an average of 3 males and 3 females per household. In regard to children under age 18, an average of 2 boys and 2 girls was reflected per household in both Saida and Tyr. Mostly, these children reside with both parents in Lebanon. In some cases, there are fathers who were deceased naturally, or killed in the civil war, or just decided to stay in Syria. This high significant percentage of refugee children in South Lebanon raises the urgent need for child protection and assistance to make sure that justice for children is served.