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Lebanon + 2 more

Nabaa Neighbourhood Profile & Strategy, Bourj Hammoud, Lebanon - March 2017



A neighbourhood profile is a multi-sectoral, multi-cohort spatial analytical tool to improve the urban crisis response in poor neighbourhoods in line with the Lebanese Crisis Response Plan 2017-2020 and the UN Strategic Framework for Lebanon 2017-2020.

UN-Habitat produces complementary city* and neighbourhood profiles that each lead to strategy formulation and project implementation. Neighbourhood profiles inform targeting for humanitarian organisations and local authorities. They also contribute to building a national database of comparable data that can be used for better understanding and monitoring of urban dynamics in the most vulnerable urban pockets that city and district averages are blind to, and of how these relate to their wider urban contexts.


UN-Habitat neighbourhood profiling consists of three phases:

Phase 1 comprises a field assessment in a two-part process. Part one is to identify and record the condition of the buildings, the basic infrastructure services, and all commercial activities, on a base of a comprehensive visual inspection. Part two involves a population count by residential unit based on open-ended interviews with key informants for each building. Information is collected using GIS-based mapping and systematic questionnaires.

Phase 2 consists of conducting a series of focus group discussions and key informant interviews with residents, local public officials (mukhtars), business owners, school principals, healthcare managers, religious figures, and (I)NGO representatives. The selection of focus group participants takes into account factors such as age, gender and nationality.

Phase 3 entails presenting the findings to municipal representatives and community members in order to build consensus regarding problems and opportunities. The findings are refined based on feedback from this participatory stage. This approach ideally results in a mutual agreement on problems including capacity gaps and priorities.


The Neighbourhood Strategy is a spatial and thematic phased response plan that is informed by the outcomes of the Neighbourhood Profile (NP) (UN-Habitat, 2016) for the same area.

UN-Habitat Lebanon produces neighbourhood strategies as a basis for fostering coordinated action between partners to the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan and local authorities to enhance the response in urban neighbourhoods. The strength of the recommendations derives from their area-based nature, as an alternative to cohort-based or sector-based points of entry. The area-based approach starts with a defined geography in which integrated multi-sector and multi-stakeholder action and engagement may be advanced, potentiating optimal targetting, holistic programming and operational efficiencies. Substantively, the strategies focus on improving living conditions through community stabilisation, the upgrading of basic urban services and housing, and improving capacity for effective governance. Recommendations are phased in order of identified needs, irrespective of the actual or likely availability of funds.


Interventions have been formulated with input from local and municipal representatives, active stakeholders, and focus group discussions. The strategy suggests actions that respond to specific social, economic and urban challenges phased in the following format:

  • Immediate Response: An intervention that should be undertaken within six months due to its criticality for social stability or to emergency need in the realm of basic urban service provision.

  • Short-term Response: An intervention that should be undertaken within a year to mitigate further deterioration.

  • Mid & Long Term Response: An intervention that should be undertaken within two or four years respectively, due either to its secondary or tertiary priority level or to the time frame needed for its execution. General strategic directions likely to be of ongoing relevance may also be outlined under this response phase.