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Lebanon + 2 more

MSNA sector chapters - Shelter



Summary of Priorities

Based on the data review, inputs from the SWG and the sector strategy we can provide the following tentative conclusions:

The data available on priority needs is limited to the registered Syrian Refugee population. However, broadly speaking there are similarities between all of the target groups and we can generally conclude from the data and workshops that the main needs are: cash for shelter, house rehabilitation and weather proofing in informal settlements (IS) and non-durable shelter solutions.

It is difficult to prioritise between the target groups and geographic areas but indications are that the priority groups are those that are experiencing one (or more) of the following: eviction, potential eviction, overcrowding and residency in sub-standard shelters, new arrivals or those without shelter. The response gaps as articulated by the SWG included the absence of formal camps for Syrian refugees, the absence of programmes for PRS living outside UNWRA-camps and limited support to refugees living in unfinished buildings.

Concerns were raised about a potential upcoming drought and the impact this would have on existing community tensions. In addition, with unconditional cash transfers it was feared that cash would be diverted away from critical shelter needs. Finally, there were concerns that the establishment of formal tented settlements would be costly and could potentially divert resources away from much needed host community programmes.

While most of the MSNA SWG workshop participants’ perceptions of priority needs and geographic priorities were similar to those identified by the data, there is a need for additional data collection to be able to clearly determine geographic priorities and response needs.