Beirut/Geneva (ICRC) - Following the resumption of heavy fighting this morning in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr el-Bared, near Tripoli in northern Lebanon, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) calls on all parties involved to spare civilians not taking a direct part in the hostilities and to refrain from attacking civilian infrastructure. According to local Red Cross and Red Crescent sources, thousands of civilians remain in the camp.
Medical personnel and humanitarian workers must be allowed to carry out their tasks and must, especially, have unimpeded access to the wounded. Medical personnel, vehicles and facilities may not be subjected to attack.
The Palestine Red Crescent Society and the Lebanese Red Cross are ready to assist the wounded with the ICRC's help. Ambulances and medical supplies have been positioned on the outskirts of the camp.
Since the outbreak of the fighting, the ICRC, the Palestine Red Crescent and the Lebanese Red Cross have provided the refugees in Nahr el-Bared with 37 tonnes of food and 5 tonnes of bread, 121,000 litres of drinking water, 800 hygiene kits and 44,000 candles. Aid has also been delivered to those who fled to the nearby camp of Beddawi and other Palestinian camps in Saida, Tyreand in the Bekaa region.
For further information, please contact:
Dorothea Krimitsas, ICRC Geneva, tel. +41 22 730 25 90 or +41 79 251 93 18
Virginia de la Guardia, ICRC Beirut, tel. +961 1 739 297/8/9 or +961 70 12 98 69
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