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Lebanon + 2 more

Lebanon Humanitarian Fund at a glance, October 2024 [EN/AR]


Humanitarian needs require local response

The current escalation of hostilities in Lebanon is having a devastating humanitarian impact. The current crisis is exacerbating long-term vulnerabilities, reversing previous development gains, and leading to increasingly visible humanitarian needs among the most vulnerable people. In 2024, an estimated 3.7 million people are in need, including Lebanese, displaced Syrians, Palestine refugees, and migrants. 1 million are thought to be impacted by the current crisis alone.

What is the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF)?

Country-based pooled funds are established when a new emergency occurs or when an existing crisis deteriorates. They are managed by OCHA, under the leadership of the Humanitarian Coordinator and in close consultation with the humanitarian community.

The Lebanon Humanitarian Fund pools money from donors – Member States, corporations, and individual people - and gives it to the national and international aid organizations who are best able to help people in need.

The Lebanon Humanitarian Fund responds to the changing situation in the country with disbursements when required throughout the year, in a timely and flexible way. The Fund ensures limited resources can be allocated efficiently and accountable.

The LHF supports the work of local organizations, as well as international NGOs and UN agencies to respond in a principled manner to collectively identified humanitarian needs.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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