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Lebanon: Emergency responses, 21 Aug - 05 Sep 2006


Activities undertaken:

RI distributed materials provided by UNHCR in collaboration with the Lebanese NGO Offre Joie, in Bent Jbeil and Tyre kadaas.

On August 20, RI received from UNHCR:

1. Tent, 240
2. Plastic roll, 7
3. Kitchen set, 250
4. Plastic sheet, 100 (5 sheets of 5m x 4m or 500 pieces)
5. Diapers, pkg (50 small, 30 medium, 20 large size)
6. Blankets, 36 bundles of 30
7. Bar soap, 75g (1000 pcs) (joined with RI soap in hygiene kits)

Actual Results

Aug 21:
RI donated 2 plastic sheets to Mt. Lebanon distribution activities in Dahieh.

Aug 24:
The RI Distribution Program Officer trained five Lebanese Volunteers on Aug 24 to assemble NFI kits and combine UNHCR and RI soap into hygiene kits. RI rented two 4 ton trucks in advance of assembly, to be able to transport the items on Aug 24. Each targeted municipality contributed five volunteers and a warehouse. Materials were counted by an RI and municipality representative as they were unloaded. Municipalities provided a list of targeted beneficiaries (host families and returnees) and a certificate of donation. The municipalities distributed the materials on Aug 25 to host families and returnees. RI will verify reception by listed beneficiaries on Sep 4, during distribution, using the provided municipality list and through visits to homes.

Aug 26-Sep 5:
RI partnered with Offre Joie, a Lebanese humanitarian NGO (Khalaf Melhem, Advisor, 03 719 579 Mohammed Hamadi, President, 03 512 144), to distribute items in Bent Jbeil Kadaa. Offre Joie (OJ) assembled and transported NFI kits with UNHCR materials and materials from other organizations. OJ made direct distributions to host families and returnees using the municipality list, by dividing villages into blocks and asking household representatives to pick up items. RI and OJ will verify use of items in September.

Aug 29:
RI provided 15 tents to Lebanese Red Cross Youth Department for its relief activities.

Sep 4:
RI donated 5 tents to MCC Lebanon for its activities in Marjaoun


1. Offre Joie reported that families are not willing to accept tents as home shelters, so they have adapted them for use as child animation centers, where they provide UXO awareness trainings and nutrition and activities for displaced children.
2. Changing context and needs of displaced and returnees

Key Partners

- Municipality councils of targeted villages in Bent Jbeil and Tyre kadaas
- Offre Joie, Lebanese NGO
- MCC-Lebanon
- Lebanese Red Cross Youth Department