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Lebanon + 3 more

Lebanon: Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #4 Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 (August 4, 2021)



3.2 MILLION Estimated Lebanese Nationals and Refugees in Need in Lebanon

3 MILLION People in Need of Health Assistance

2.3 MILLION People in Need of Food and Agriculture Assistance

1.5 MILLION Estimated Refugees in Lebanon

855,172 Registered Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

  • President Joseph R. Biden announces nearly $98 million in USG humanitarian assistance for Lebanon and observes the anniversary of the Port of Beirut explosions on August 4.

  • Lebanon’s deteriorating economic crisis leads to worsening food insecurity and electricity and fuel shortages, adversely affecting health and WASH services.

  • USAID/BHA partner WFP provides food assistance to 1.4 million people across Lebanon amid deteriorating economic and food security conditions.

  • State/PRM partner UNICEF facilitates access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for more than 175,000 Syrian refugees and the Lebanese municipalities that host them.