3.2 MILLION Estimated Lebanese Nationals and Refugees in Need in Lebanon
3 MILLION People in Need of Health Assistance
2.3 MILLION People in Need of Food and Agriculture Assistance
1.5 MILLION Estimated Refugees in Lebanon
855,172 Registered Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
President Joseph R. Biden announces nearly $98 million in USG humanitarian assistance for Lebanon and observes the anniversary of the Port of Beirut explosions on August 4.
Lebanon’s deteriorating economic crisis leads to worsening food insecurity and electricity and fuel shortages, adversely affecting health and WASH services.
USAID/BHA partner WFP provides food assistance to 1.4 million people across Lebanon amid deteriorating economic and food security conditions.
State/PRM partner UNICEF facilitates access to safe drinking water and sanitation services for more than 175,000 Syrian refugees and the Lebanese municipalities that host them.