HC Lazzarini reasserts the international community’s support for the stability of Lebanon
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Key upcoming events
Lebanon’s stability is not a given
Editorial by Humanitarian Coordinator Philippe Lazzarini:
Seven years after the start of the Syria crisis the humanitarian community has spared no effort to end the suffering of one million registered Syrian refugees, but this has not been enough to turn the tide of rising humanitarian needs in Lebanon. The challenges are starker than ever: refugees endure extensive socioeconomic hardship and deep-running vulnerabilities, amid rising pressure on host communities and widespread anxiety and uncertainty over the future. Additionally, the recently-announced budget cuts to UNRWA bring back to the forefront the endless suffering of Palestine refugees. What is next?
The short answer is: We will not give up. Until the Syria crisis ends, it is our collective responsibility to stand by Lebanon, the Lebanese, and all refugees.
We are determined to continue to cater for the needs of the most vulnerable communities in Lebanon. But humanitarian assistance alone is no longer enough. Innovation will mark our next steps. Continuing to link humanitarian, development and peacebuilding activities will be at the heart of our initiatives. We will continue to work in close partnership with the Lebanese Government and civil society to promote selfreliance while at the same time building social protection systems for both vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian refugees as a cornerstone of national stability.
For the vast majority, the future of the Syrian refugees will be in Syria. They will return safely and in dignity to their homeland when conditions are ripe. The registration of refugees would be a key component to facilitate sustainable solutions outside Lebanon and voluntary returns when conditions are conducive. We are about to launch the 2018 Lebanon Crisis Response Plan and we will actively advocate for strong support for this plan, which is the cornerstone of the response in Lebanon. We will also focus our efforts and advocacy on the three international conferences in the coming months: the Conference in Support of the Lebanese Armed Forces and Security Institutions in Rome in February; the CEDRE conference to support the Lebanese economy and the Brussels Conference to mobilize support for the response to the Syria crisis, including for refugees in Lebanon.
Another key milestone in 2018 will be the long-awaited parliamentary election in May that will shape the country’s political outlook for the next four years. The United Nations fully supports the Lebanese government in the preparation and running of these elections. We will do our utmost to help Lebanese leaders, the media and the public to have a fair and open debate. This is part of our continued commitment to supporting stability in Lebanon through international cooperation and collective security.
In support of all these goals, I will continue to advocate with international partners to boost their support through multi-year funding to ensure more predictability. Preserving Lebanon’s stability is essential to maintain the country as a model of diversity and a driving force for tolerance and democracy in a troubled region.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.