On 4th August 2020, a large explosion occurred at the port of Beirut, Lebanon that left more than 6,500 individuals injured and caused at least 180 deaths. To assess the impact of the explosion and the arising needs and vulnerabilities, the Lebanese Red Cross (LRC), in coordination with the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), have conducted large multi-sectoral needs assessments (MSNA). The first report, Foreign Nationals Multi Sector Needs Assessment Report, published on 8th September 2020, drew on assessments from a total of 1,896 foreign national households, a sub-set of 11,008 household assessments.
Following on from the first Foreign Nationals Multi-Sector Needs Assessment Report, this second report is an update focusing on data from 6th August to 8th September 2020, from a total of 17,092 household assessments. It provides in-depth analysis of data on 2,954 households with foreign nationals in Beirut disaggregated by nationalities, assessing the high-level needs and vulnerabilities and key numbers that are important for response activities.
The aim of the Multi-Sector Needs Assessment analyses reports is to identify needs to inform immediate and medium term responses, and estimate the level of shelter and WASH damage. The analysis in this report presents the needs of foreign nationals that are not represented in the LCRF (Syrian Appeal) or 3R (National Development Plan). While 75 per cent of all foreign national households were reportedly of Syrian origin, this report does not include data on Syrians. This report focuses on the five highest number of nationalities reported in the data excluding Syrians, namely: Ethiopian, Bangladeshi, Sudanese, Egyptian and Palestinian nationals in Beirut only.
Limitations: The varied response rate between the surveyed nationalities affects the data available. Since some of the responses vary between the different nationalities which may result in inconsistencies and limit comparative analysis.