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Cash assistance helps struggling families

George in his tractor. Photo: ACF

Lebanon | 2023 | CBPF

Lebanon, Baalbek and Rachaya. George’s farm has been in the family for generations. A retired soldier, George* makes a living from the farm and his pension.

However, since the economic crisis and the devaluation of the Lebanese currency, George has barely been able to provide for his small family. Power cuts disrupted agricultural work and family life. And he had to let his workers go, doing all the work himself.

The economic crisis continues to reverberate for Lebanon’s most vulnerable families. As the currency continues to depreciate, essential items like food, medicine, and baby supplies are increasingly unaffordable – let alone the agricultural equipment that George needed to make a living off the land on his own..

An estimated 3.9 million people need some form of humanitarian assistance in Lebanon.

With support from the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund, Action Against Hunger reached vulnerable families in Baalbek and Rachaya with cash assistance, for them to spend to help themselves.

Investing in better farm equipment

For George, the money meant he could invest in farming tools and equipment to grow and harvest his olives, almonds, grapes, and pomegranates. And, of course, the new equipment – which includes a trimmer, saw, leaf blower and better fencing - is something he can use every season.

“This help was indispensable. Every person has different needs - I was able to buy the specific things I needed to grow food,” he said.

Nutrition and medicine for struggling families

Elsewhere in the province, Jana’s baby Arsal struggles with heart problems. The medical treatment and medication are very expensive, and Jana’s husband is only able to find work as a day labourer. Since the crisis, it’s been very hard to get by.

Action Against Hunger’s project provided struggling families with nutrition, cash assistance, and child development classes.

The cash helped Jana buy medicine and food for her daughter. The classes gave her practical information to help her daughter as well. Jana talked about what she learned with her friends and other mothers too, sharing useful information.

Adapted from original stories from Action Against Hunger and the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund.

For more information: visit the Lebanon Humanitarian Fund website to find real-time contribution and allocation data on the POOLED FUNDS DATA HUB.

Pooled Fund impact stories

#2023, #CBPF, #Cash assistance, #Lebanon


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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