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Latvia + 7 more

UNHCR Latvia Factsheet, September 2024


Protection of refugees from Ukraine: Since February 2022, Latvia has provided protection and social support to more than 45,000 refugees from Ukraine.

Belarus border situation: UNHCR continues to collaborate with state authorities to improve access to asylum for those irregularly arriving in the southeastern regions bordering Belarus.

Education: At least 39 per cent of school-aged refugee children from Ukraine are enrolled in Latvian schools. UNHCR advocates to raise the per centage of children attending national schools.


Asylum applications

In 2024, 572 asylum applications were registered, marking a decrease compared to the same period in 2023 when 753 applications were registered.

Access to asylum and territory at the LatviaBelarus border

In 2024, according to the State Border Guard, 4,054 attempts to cross the border were prevented at the Latvia-Belarus border, and 16 individuals were exceptionally admitted on humanitarian grounds and applied for asylum in Latvia.

Protection services

In 2024, more than 700 refugees and asylum-seekers received integration assistance, legal support and counselling, and were referred to relevant services through UNHCR’s NGO partners.