Lao PDR has been severely affected by floods between July and September 2018.’ (currently says ‘in recent months’). On July 18–19, Tropical Storm Son-Tinh caused heavy rains and flooding in 55 districts of 13 provinces across the country. On the night of July 23– 24, a breach in the Xe Pien-Xe Nam Noy hydropower saddle dam caused an unprecedented flash flood in Attapeu Province. And on August 16–18, Tropical Storm Bebinca also affected the northern part of Lao PDR. The post-disaster needs assessment (PDNA) valued the total overall effects of the floods on the economy at an estimated 3,166.99 billion Lao kip, or approximately US$371.5 million (see Table 1). Total damage accounted for 1,253.10 billion Lao kip, and losses totaled 1,914.02 billion Lao kip.
In terms of geographical spread, Vientiane Capital, Huaphanh, Khammuane, and Attapeu were worst affected. Attapeu and Huaphanh had the highest per capita impacts. Following the dam break, Attapeu Province had damage and losses estimated at US$35 million—just under 10 percent of the total effects—an amount that includes additional flooding from heavy rains The floods produced different effects across economic and social sectors. Agriculture, including crops, fisheries, livestock, forestry, and irrigation, suffered the most losses, amounting to 57 percent of the total losses. The transport sector, including roads, bridges, transport services, and government buildings, accounted for 65.6 percent of the overall damage and 40 percent of losses. The waterways sector was also heavily affected. Overall, the public domain was heavily affected in terms of both losses and damage, especially the productive and infrastructure sectors. Private domain losses were driven by reduced income to farmers, persons involved in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and those providing services in the culture and tourism sectors. Small farmers, workers, and owners of SMEs have directly felt the burden of the disaster.