Activities implemented:
- Provided 1 767 households with a total of 53 tonnes of rice seeds (30 kg for each household) and a total of 88.35 tonnes of urea (50 kg for each household).
- Provided 1 325 households with a total of 382.92 kg of vegetable seeds (approximately 289 g for each household); 1 325 litres of molasses (1 litre for each household) and 1 325 litres of effective microorganisms (1 litre for each household).
- Provided 10 056 households with a total of 803 000 fish fingerlings to support their rice-cum-fish farming activities (113 households), household fish ponds (484 households), and community fish ponds (9 459 households).
- Trained 570 households on integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) practices and provided them with a total of 425 000 fingerlings and 826.5 kg of vegetable seeds.
- Engaged 1 000 households in cash for work (CfW) activities for constructing nine weirs and one irrigation canal (1 410 m); cleaning 13 irrigation canals (22 545 m); clearing three community ponds, providing each beneficiary household with an average of USD 83 and disbursing a total of USD 83 268.
- Trained 101 extension services staff and 1 893 farmers on best practices in crop production.
- Trained 127 District of Agriculture and Forestry Office (DAFO) staff and 874 farmers on best practices in aquaculture production.
- Trained 63 PAFO staff and 2 974 farmers on best vegetable gardening techniques.
- Organized a knowledge exchange programme, benefiting 200 farmers.
- Provided 48 households with flood-resistant seed storage silos.
- Trained 60 officials from different government and civil society entities, on disaster risk management (DRM) and climate change adaptation (CCA) tools and planning strategies.
- Assessed existing policies and plans related to agriculture development, water resources management, watershed management, DRM and CCA at the national and provincial levels.
- Conducted a participatory assessment of institutional capacities in DRM and CCA; and identified institutional DRM and CCA priorities.
- Enabled 1 767 households to produce approximately 4 000 tonnes of rice; restore their agricultural livelihoods during the wet season; and enhance their food security.
- Enabled 1 325 households to produce approximately 452 tonnes of vegetables; restore their agricultural livelihoods during the dry season; and enhance their food security.
- Enabled 10 056 households to harvest approximately 270 tonnes of fish, enhancing their livelihoods and food security at household and community levels.
- Enabled 570 households to improve their food security and increase their incomes through applying IAA practices.
- Allowed 1 000 households to meet their immediate needs; and improved the targeted communities' access to irrigation thanks to CfW activities.
- Enabled 48 households to store and protect their seeds from the impacts of flooding.
- Enhanced the knowledge, skills, and capacities of 351 government and civil society personnel, and 5 941 farmers on various topics relevant to their respective fields.
- Enabled the integration of DRM and CCA priorities in the Provincial Agriculture Development Plan (2021--2025) and the Provincial Natural Resources and Environment Plan (2021--2025).