In Numbers
19,056 people assisted
290 mt food assistance distributed
US$12,450 cash assistance distributed
US$1.9 million - six-month net funding requirements (October 2024 – March 2025)
Operational Updates
Strengthening Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
• WFP is supporting four district authorities in piloting climate risk insurance to protect the livelihoods of vulnerable pastoralists from extreme weather events in Naryn province. In September, a payout of USD 85,373 was triggered by drought during June and July, helping over 12,000 people avert mass livestock deaths. The insurance enabled the affected pastoralists to access fodder, construct livestock treatment facilities, and procure mobile water pumps, thereby enhancing their capacity to sustain their herds. WFP is working on an exit strategy, which includes establishing a revolving mechanism to replenish distributed fodder in the warehouses. The scale-up of the initiative aims to strengthen national capacities for disaster risk management.
• Under the Green Climate Fund project, WFP organized training on hydrodynamic modelling, monitoring, and forecasting for the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
This training enabled the Ministry’s staff to adopt modern software for assessing and forecasting hazards and exposure to mudflows and floods.
• As the lead agency for the Food Security and Logistics sector of the Disaster Response Coordination Unit (DRCU), WFP participated in an emergency simulation exercise organized by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the American government. A high- magnitude earthquake was simulated, providing an opportunity for DRCU members to assess its emergency preparedness and response capabilities.
WFP contributed to identifying areas for improvement to ensure an effective response to disasters in line with national objectives.
Enhancing Social Protection and Cohesion
• WFP participated in the “Yntymak” Peace Week organized by the Peace Hub. The event engaged participants in discussions about the importance of social cohesion, gender equality, and climate change adaptation for peace. WFP explored opportunities to integrate programmes in ongoing peacebuilding efforts of counterparts, promoting resilience and conflict resolution. The event emphasized the need for effective governance and collective actions to advance peace initiatives.
• WFP and UNICEF co-chaired a meeting of the Development Partners Coordination Council (DPCC) working group on social protection, hosted by the Minister for Labour, Social Security, and Migration.
WFP, alongside UNICEF, ILO, and the World Bank, presented key recommendations from an assessment of the national social protection system using a Core Diagnostic Instrument. The Minister highlighted sector priorities, emphasizing a human- centered approach outlined in the National Development Strategy 2040. Through the meeting, the DPCC members identified areas for cooperation.
• WFP participated in the meeting of the inter-agency cash working group (CWG), which aims to strengthen the coordination of cash assistance projects among development and humanitarian partners. The CWG discussed enhancing the national social protection system's ability to scale up during shocks and emergencies to assist citizens in need of humanitarian assistance. The meeting focused on identifying methods for calculating the minimum amount of cash assistance needed to meet the basic needs of populations affected by the emergency.