Country brief In Numbers
30,535 people assisted
553 mt of food assistance distributed
US$198,450 of cash assistance distributed
US$2.16 m - six-month net funding requirements (Nov 2024 – April 2025)
Operational Updates
WFP's Support to Strengthening Climate-Adaptive and Nutrition-Sensitive Social and Civil Protection Systems
Enhancing Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
• In the lead-up to the upcoming 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP-29) in Baku, WFP supported the Government in organizing the National Climate Dialogue, "Path to COP-29: Adaptation to Climate Change". The dialogue focused on concrete actions to strengthen national climate policies, mobilize financial resources, and build partnerships to boost resilience of systems and communities across the country. WFP is also supporting the Kyrgyz delegation to COP29 to present jointly developed solutions to tackle shocks and stressors in landlocked mountain context. The event was attended by over 120 representatives from the government, UN, civil society, private sector, and international organizations.
• WFP participated in the 5th scientific and practical conference organised by the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES), which was dedicated to the monthlong celebration of Disaster Risk Reduction Day. WFP presented on integrated approaches to disaster risk management to national stakeholders, development organizations, and funding partners. The presentation highlighted the critical importance of shifting focus from response and recovery to disaster risk prevention, mitigation, and preparedness, including risk analysis and early warning.
• WFP conducted a field visit with representatives from the Government of Switzerland to one of the two gabion production workshops established with their support in 2023. This workshop has enabled the MES to transition from manual to automated gabion production, resulting in a seven-fold increase in production capacity. The produced gabions are used by the MES and local authorities to strengthen riverbanks and mountain slopes, thereby protecting community houses and livelihoods from the risks of mudflows, landslides, and soil erosion.