In Numbers
47,429 people assisted
1,359 mt of food assistance distributed
US$215,100 of cash assistance distributed
US$0 m - six-month net funding requirements (Dec 2024 – May 2025)
Operational Updates
WFP Supports the Government-led Mountain Agenda for Climate-Resilient Communities and Food Systems
Enhancing Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation
- WFP, along with other development partners, supported the Kyrgyz delegation at the world's largest annual climate change event—the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP-29) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Baku. In the Kyrgyz Republic’s Pavilion “Sustainable Development of Mountainous Areas,” representatives of the Kyrgyz government presented the country’s progress in achieving its climate goals.
- The Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture, and Processing Industry presented the country's first climate risk insurance product, being piloted together with WFP, along with other joint initiatives to promote climate-smart agricultural techniques.
- The Ministry of Emergency Situations highlighted activities with WFP aimed at strengthening disaster resilience in rural and mountainous communities. The sessions highlighted collaborative efforts to develop climate-resilient food systems and protect lives and livelihoods from climate-induced disasters.
- WFP participated in regional workshops on disaster risk management, specifically the European Forum for Disaster Risk Reduction in Budva and the Central Asia Hydrometeorology Modernization Project II. The project focused on assessing the hydrometeorological capacities of Central Asian countries. WFP presented the initiatives of the first Green Climate Fund (GCF) project in the Kyrgyz Republic, including localized disaster risk assessment approaches, climate monitoring tools, and climate risk profiles designed to help rural communities adapt to climate change. The outcomes of these discussions will advance the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
- In November, WFP, together with local government partners, completed over 130 community-level projects across the country aimed at constructing or rehabilitating climate-resilient infrastructure, including dams, water pipelines, and riverbanks strengthened with gabion nets.