In Numbers
1,881 mt of food distributed
42,881 people assisted
US$11.6 million six-month net funding requirements (July-December 2023)
Operational Updates
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk management
• WFP participated in a meeting with the National Steering Committee on strengthening national capacity in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) through WFP projects. The meeting was chaired by the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Ministry of Ecology, Natural Resources and Technical Supervision, and attended by the Embassy of Switzerland, and representatives of other line ministries, civil society, academia, and development partners. The Committee reviewed the project implementation and its plans for the rest of 2023 and discussed piloting Weather Index-Based Livestock Insurance Scheme, integrating food safety policies, upgrading emergency food rations and applying “Leave No One Behind” approach.
• WFP joined UN and environmental activists in celebrating the World Environment Day (5 June) through a public event “Together for a Sustainable Future”.
During the event, WFP and its national counterpart for the Green Climate Fund project, the Agency for Hydrometeorology under the Ministry of Emergency Situations, disseminated information about the importance of climate information for vulnerable communities living in disaster-prone areas.
• WFP, in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and other line ministries, launched the Weather Index-Based Insurance Pilot Project in three districts of the mountainous Naryn Province. The pilot will insure local governments against drought for a maximum amount of approximately US$1.2 million, with a premium of US$200,000. The insurance coverage will protect 4,500 vulnerable livestock smallholders from extreme drought by helping them prepare ahead of low fodder availability in pastures and the high price of fodder.
• WFP hosted an expert mission to develop activities for its ongoing projects on strengthening national capacities in DRM and CCA. The mission experts met with national partners and developed action plans to introduce digital climate risk monitoring system ‘Platform for Real-time Impact and Situation Monitoring’ (PRISM) and improve agrometeorological services and advisories for rural communities. The mission identified the need in organizing training on Numerical Weather Prediction and Seasonal Forecasting for partners.