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WFP Kyrgyz Republic Country Brief, August 2024


In Numbers

14,824 people assisted

674 mt of food assistance distributed

US$81,750 of cash assistance distributed

Operational Updates

Strengthening Shock-responsive Social Protection and Climate Change Adaptation

• To support the government-led mudflow response, WFP distributed 255 tons of emergency food support to 3,950 people (779 families) affected by the floods in Osh city and Kara-Suu district. Each family received 300 kg of fortified wheat flour and 30 litres of vegetable oil to address the immediate food needs, thereby contributing to their improved food security situation. WFP also works with the Government to enhance its national social protection system’s capacity to respond to emergencies, including climate-induced disasters.

• With the support from the Government of Japan, WFP handed over three tractors to its local partners under a project promoting climate-smart agricultural techniques, particularly minimum tillage technology, among farmers in Yssyk-Kul, Jalal-Abad, Osh and Naryn provinces. The local partners will establish and manage equipment revolving funds to help 240 farmers access the necessary agricultural equipment, particularly tractors, for sowing wheat seeds. This approach, previously tested by the German Agency for International Cooperation, aims to improve wheat production and increase incomes of smallholder farmers.

• Under the Green Climate Fund project, WFP met with district administrations to present climate risk profiles developed for Ak-Talaa, Jumgal, and Naryn districts of Naryn province. By using these risk profiles, local governments are better equipped to assist farmers in developing climate-resilient agriculture practices, thereby reducing their vulnerability to climate hazards and enhancing the resilience of rural communities. The partners also discussed the need to integrate riskinformed climate change adaptation measures into the district-level socio-economic development plans.

• WFP supported the Regional Forum-Meeting of Heads of Emergency Authorities of Central Asian (CA) Countries, which aimed to promote regional cooperation in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and emergency response. During the event, representatives from WFP Kyrgyz Republic and WFP Tajikistan promoted cross border learning about DRM approaches in the CA region. The participants also discussed achievements and challenges in implementing the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.